Science, Technology and Innovation Mainstreaming – Performance Indicator



Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) is a key enabler and driver for the attainment of Government priority programs set out in the Bottom-UP Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) and Medium-Term Plan IV (MPT IV). The STI Mainstreaming indicator therefore calls for the deployment of STI interventions in MDAs programmes and activities to accelerate the attainment of the Government development agenda. Investments in Research, Science, Technology, and Innovation (RSTI) are indispensable for any Country or entity that seeks to secure public safety, and national security, and accelerate inclusive sustainable development. Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Mainstreaming therefore is for all MDAs that contribute towards the attainment of BETA and MTP IV which recognizes the role of Research, Science, Technology, and Innovation (RSTI) in increasing productivity, enhancing efficiency levels, accelerating economic growth and development, as well as creating comparative advantage and competitiveness of the country. RSTI is also recognized as key in transforming the country from a factor-based to an innovation-led, knowledge economy. Most recently, His Excellency the President and Commander in Chief of the armed forces has established a Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology, thus affirming the overriding/key role that Science, Technology and Innovation will play in public and private sector ventures and enterprises.

In light of the aforementioned, the STI Mainstreaming PC indicator transcends beyond research, and therefore it is aimed at ensuring that all MDAs entrench science, technology, and innovation into the national production system and for connected purposes as per the provisions of the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Act 2013 (Rev. 2014). By undertaking the PC Target on STI Mainstreaming, MDAs are destined to significantly contribute to mapping Kenya’s global competitiveness. Data provided by MDAs is precious to enhance Kenya’s Global competitiveness as defined by (i)Kenya’s Global Innovation Index, (ii)Kenya’s World Competitiveness Ranking, (iii)Kenya’s SDG Index, (iv)Ranking of the Most Technologically Advanced Countries In The World, (v)Kenya’s World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, (vi)Kenya’s ICT Ranking (vii)Kenya’s Frontier Technologies Index, and (viii) Kenya’s World Talent Ranking, all of which are direct or indirect measures of National prosperity and National Security, as well as enhanced public good and well-being of citizenry.


The Eligible MDAs are those involved in the National Production System and contributing towards the attainment of Kenya's Vision 2030, and may be grouped as below: -

  1. Research Institutions, Universities as well as their regulating agencies
  2. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)/Tertiary institutions as well as their regulating agencies
  3. MDA's with research, technology, and innovation centres/units/activities, or whose strategies/activities contribute towards (i)Kenya's Global Innovation Index, (ii)Kenya's World Competitiveness Ranking, (iii)Kenya's SDG Index, (iv)Ranking of the Most Technologically Advanced Countries in The World, (v)Kenya's World Digital Competitiveness Ranking, (vi)Kenya's ICT Ranking (vii)Kenya's Frontier Technologies Index, and (viii) Kenya's World Talent Ranking, among other indices.

(The list of institutions is provided here)

Key Activities

This indicator aims to ensure that MDAs entrench Science, Technology, and Innovation into their programs to facilitate the attainment of the national development agenda. Depending on the level of implementation of the indicator, MDAs are required to undertake the following Sub-Indicators: -

Stream A: Applicable to New Entrants and MDAs without Institutional STI Mainstreaming Strategy

1) Institutional STI Mainstreaming Strategy developed (30%); and
2) STI strategic issues implemented (70%).

Stream B: Applicable to MDAs with approved STI Mainstreaming Strategy

1) Collaborations and Partnerships in RSTI established to implement STI Strategic issues (30%)
2) Technology(ies) and/or innovation(s) protected through the acquisition of IP Rights, commercialized and/or transferred (70%)


NB: In implementing these Sub-indicators, the activities will constitute:

MDAs in Stream A:

  • Developing an Institutional STI Mainstreaming Strategy. (Download the Template Here)
  • Implementing the developed institutional STI Mainstreaming Strategy;
  • Providing RSTI data using the provided templates in the online reporting portal.

MDAs in Stream B:

  • Initiating collaborations and partnerships in RSTI to implement STI Strategic issues in the STI Mainstreaming Strategy;
  • Developing technologies and/or innovations, acquisition of intellectual property (IP) Rights, commercialization of products and services; acquiring and/or transferring technologies and innovations; and reporting on technologies uptake;
  • Implementing the developed institutional STI Mainstreaming Strategy;
  • Providing RSTI data using the provided templates in the online reporting portal.


Enabling Environment for MDAs to Undertake STI Mainstreaming Indicator

For effective implementation of the indicator, MDAs are required to undertake the following: -

  1. Appoint or Re-appoint Focal Persons and STI Champions. (Responsibilities and Requirements of Focal Persons and Champions can be accessed Here)
  2. Develop STI Mainstreaming annual work plan (Template embedded in the online portal);  (Download STREAM A Guide Here!  | Download STREAM B Guide Here!)
  3. Training for Focal person and Champions;
  4. Sensitize Staff/ Stakeholders on STI.


All MDAs are required to prepare and submit quarterly performance reports online to NACOSTI using the online reporting portal within 15 days following the end of a quarter and the annual performance report within 15 days after the end of the contract period as per the templates provided.

  • The templates for developing STI Mainstreaming annual work plan and quarterly reporting are embedded in the online reporting portal (
  • For any clarification/additional information regarding this indicator, please contact NACOSTI at:; Tel. No. 0713788787 / 0735404245 / 020-8001077

MDAs may also be called upon to verify and/or validate data provided through the submission of requisite evidence.

Prior to filling out the reporting tool, kindly prepare in advance for the following requirements:
1. Duly filled forms where applicable.
2. Documentary evidence as listed below where applicable.
(in .pdf file format)

  • Download Data Collection Tools (Tables) here
  • Appointment letter for Focal Person
  • Appointment letter for the Champion(s)
  • STI mainstreaming work plan embedded in the online reporting portal  ( (Download STREAM A Guide Here!  | Download STREAM B Guide Here!)
  • Approved STI Mainstreaming Strategy signed by the Accounting Officer of the institution
  • Documentary Evidence on Research, Technology and Innovation Outputs
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Policy
  • Research Policy for the Institution
  • A CEO/VC/Accounting Officer/Principal/Director forwarding letter

Tutorial Guide/Video